SC: Bill would prevent registered sex offenders from owning locksmith businesses

 A bill that would require locksmiths to undergo background checks before entering your home or car is now closer to becoming law.

The bill was passed unanimously in the South Carolina State House of Representatives and is now making its way through the state Senate. The bill was drafted after a North Myrtle Beach sexual molestation case involving a locksmith. Full Article

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Note, the crime for which he was accused had nothing to do with him being a locksmith, yet another ridiculous attempt to demonize us further with no evidence to back it up. Next, someone is going to get the genius idea that because many registered citizens have cars that “might” be used to commit a sex crime someday, drivers licenses should not be issued to registered citizens.

These are Jim Crow laws.

So funny. What a colossal, idiotic failure their un-American, immoral, illegal witch hunt has been!

Look at the criminal, idiotic, pandering politicians and their stupid supporters grasping for any tiny, pathetic straws they can find! What a bunch of losers.

Identify people who support the witch hunt and MAKE THEM PAY. Do it legally but retaliate every single day. These people are not Americans.


Yet, a burglar, bank robber or druggie can be come a locksmith?

How utterly stupid. That he committed a crime AND he’s a locksmith is a completely differently argument than he committed a crime AS a locksmith. Perhaps in the latter case I’d say they have a measure of argument. And mind you, licensing locksmiths as a concept isn’t all bad, as I’d prefer not to have burglars being able to become one. The Bill says one must submit to, and pay for, a state and national background check…then only prohibits two classes of people.

“The department may not issue a license to a person who:

(1) is a registered sex offender or is convicted of, pled guilty or nolo contendere to, or been adjudicated delinquent for an offense for which he is required to register as a sex offender as enumerated in Section 23-3-430(C); or

(2) has had a prior license to do business as a locksmith revoked for fraud or misrepresentation.”

Apparently former locksmiths are as much a menace to society as RCs. But all you arsonists, burglars, drug addicts (nothing like free Rx meds for the taking!) and the like, step right up.

I hate to break the news to the fear-mongers and worry warts: you’re interacting with RCs all the time, blissfully unaware the whole time. You’re likewise interacting with felons, misdemeanants, indicted persons, fugitives, and undiscovered criminals (read: yet to be arrested, tried, and convicted) all the time.

Glad to see the fear frenzy is getting whipped up all over again thanks to someone waaay over to the end of the bell curve.


Total violation of bills of attainder… depriving employment to an easily ascertainable class of people. It’s been tired before against communist Americans during the cold war. Someone could most likely win this on that ground if Someone had an attorney willing to actually fight it on these grounds.